Endangered species have been a topic of concern for decades, with many species facing the threat of extinction. As human activities continue to contribute to the decline of these species, the question of whether society should make efforts to save them becomes increasingly important. The GRE ‘Analyze an Issue’ essay prompt presents a controversial stance on this matter, stating that society should only make efforts to save endangered species if their potential extinction is a result of human activities.
Understanding the Prompt
The prompt presents a policy that suggests society should prioritize the conservation of endangered species only if their decline is a direct result of human activities. This means that if a species is facing extinction due to natural causes, society should not intervene to save them. The prompt also asks for a discussion of the potential consequences of implementing this policy and how they shape our position.
Arguments FOR
- Human activities have been the leading cause of the decline of many endangered species, such as deforestation, pollution, and overexploitation of resources. Therefore, it is our responsibility to rectify these actions and save these species from extinction.
- Endangered species play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. The loss of one species can have a domino effect on the entire ecosystem, potentially leading to the extinction of other species and disrupting the delicate balance of nature.
- Many endangered species have unique genetic traits and medicinal properties that can benefit humanity. By allowing them to go extinct, we are not only losing potential cures for diseases but also valuable biodiversity.
Arguments AGAINST
- Not all endangered species are equally important. Some species may have a negligible impact on the ecosystem and may not be worth the resources and effort required for their conservation.
- Saving endangered species can be costly, and the resources could be used for other pressing issues, such as poverty, hunger, and disease.
- Focusing solely on human-caused extinctions can lead to neglect of natural causes of species decline, which can also have significant consequences for the ecosystem.
In conclusion, the policy proposed in the GRE ‘Analyze an Issue’ essay prompt has both valid arguments for and against it. While it is our responsibility to rectify the damage caused by human activities, we must also consider the potential consequences of implementing this policy, such as the allocation of resources and neglect of natural causes. Ultimately, a balanced approach that takes into account the importance of each endangered species and the potential consequences of their extinction is necessary in deciding whether society should make efforts to save them.
Example of a Perfect-Scoring GRE Essay (Score of 6)
Essay Title: Society Should Prioritize Saving Endangered Species Resulting from Human Activities
Endangered species are a critical part of our ecosystem, and their extinction can have far-reaching consequences. While it is important to preserve all species, society should prioritize saving endangered species that are at risk due to human activities. In this essay, I will discuss why this policy should be implemented and how its consequences shape my position.Firstly, human activities are the primary cause of endangerment for many species. Habitat destruction, pollution, and overexploitation are some of the major factors that contribute to the decline of species. For instance, the rapid deforestation in the Amazon rainforest has led to the endangerment of species such as the jaguar and the giant anteater. These activities are within our control, and it is our responsibility to take action to protect these species.
Furthermore, the consequences of not prioritizing the protection of species threatened by human activities can be catastrophic. Every species has a unique role in the ecosystem, and their extinction can disrupt the delicate balance of nature. For example, the decline of bee populations due to pesticide use has led to a decrease in pollination and subsequently affected crop production. This not only affects the environment but also has a direct impact on human livelihoods. Therefore, it is crucial that we take immediate action to protect these species before it is too late.
On the other hand, some may argue that all species should be given equal protection, regardless of the cause of their endangerment. However, this approach is not feasible as there are limited resources and funding available for conservation efforts. Therefore, prioritizing species that are at risk due to human activities would have a more significant impact and yield better results in terms of conservation efforts.
Additionally, implementing this policy would also have positive consequences for other species that are indirectly affected by human activities. For example, protecting the habitat of the endangered jaguar in the Amazon rainforest would also benefit other species that share the same habitat, contributing to overall biodiversity conservation.
In conclusion, society should prioritize saving endangered species that are at risk due to human activities. The consequences of not taking action can have severe implications for the environment and human well-being. By focusing our efforts and resources on these species, we can make a more significant impact and preserve the delicate balance of our ecosystem. It is our responsibility to protect these species and ensure a sustainable future for both the environment and ourselves.
Why This Essay Earns a Perfect Score
This essay effectively argues for the prioritization of saving endangered species resulting from human activities. The writer provides clear and concise reasoning for their position, using examples and evidence to support their points. The essay also acknowledges and addresses counterarguments, strengthening the overall argument. Additionally, the writer effectively explains the potential consequences of not implementing this policy and how they shape their position. Overall, the essay is well-structured, well-written, and presents a compelling argument for its stance.
Key Takeaways
One key takeaway from this essay is the importance of taking responsibility for the impact of human activities on endangered species. The essay highlights the need for action in protecting these species and the potential consequences of not doing so. Another takeaway is the effectiveness of prioritization in conservation efforts. By focusing on species threatened by human activities, we can make a more significant impact and protect the delicate balance of our ecosystem. Additionally, this essay shows the importance of considering the consequences of a policy when forming a stance on an issue. By acknowledging and addressing potential consequences, the writer strengthens their argument and presents a well-rounded perspective.